Sunday, May 25, 2008

Bugs In My Tummy!

Bugs are certainly fun to watch, but have you ever tried eating them? Well, here’s a way to have bugs as a snack – without even stepping foot in your garden!

Large lettuce leaf
Raisins, black and/or gold
Gummy worms
Peanut butter
Melon balls (honeydew and cantaloupe)
Watermelon balls
Dried banana chips
Melon wedges
Pretzel sticks

Place the lettuce leaf on your plate and decorate with the following creations:

Gummy worms!

String raisins onto the toothpicks. You can have both black and yellow caterpillars!

Ants on an Anthill:
Put a dab of peanut butter on your “leaf” and decorate it with a trail of raisins.

Cut the melon balls in half and place flat side down.

Cut a watermelon ball in half and place flat side down. Seeds can be left in to look like the black ladybug dots!

Break a banana chip in half. Put a small slit in the prunes where the wings should be. Stick banana chip halves in the slits so that they stand up like wings.

Take melon wedges (in shape of triangles) and place around a pretzel stick – two on each side – to look like wings.

You can enjoy this snack at home or on a family picnic. Studying insects at school? Take a tray of edible ones to share! Having a bug theme birthday party? Let your guests make their own party snacks!

By Yesenia, Dakota & Novik Thomas

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