Wednesday, May 21, 2008


(Serves 30)

5 1bs roasted chicken – pinched apart
4 bags chow mein noodles
1 large box minute rice
2 cups diced green onions
4 cups sliced celery
5 cups grated cheese
5 cups coconut
5 cups crushed pineapple (drained)
5 cups slivered almonds
5 cups sliced mushrooms
Gravy (mushroom or chicken)

Individual Serving Measurements:
½ cup rice
2-3 T chicken
1 handful chow mein noodles
1 T green onion
1 T celery
2 T cheese
2 T coconut
2 T crushed pineapple
2 T almonds
2 T fresh mushrooms

Serve with tea (Chai is nice), Chinese cookies, almond cookies, and pineapple, rainbow or coconut sherbet.

Set out each ingredient separately. Put little notes on each one designating the suggested amount for an individual serving and allow your guests to file through and fill their plates with those items they desire. Encourage them to try a variety, as this is one dining experience they shouldn’t miss!

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